How should you deal with Stage Fright?
There are many varied solutions and numerous books and websites that offer great advice on how to formulate an interesting speech. Not surprisingly there is a consensus of opinion that preparation is fundamental. All of us would be nervous talking about something of which we had little or no knowledge or understanding.
However - speakers spend hours preparing the content of their speech and forget to prepare themselves.
Try these simple tips to help alleviate their severity:
- Start with some stretching and relaxation exercises
Releasing excess tension especially in the muscles of the face & vocal mechanism is particularly beneficial for settling quivering body as well as the mind.
- Do plenty of yawning
Yes, really. A huge, unstifled yawn will help release excessive tension in and around the mouth, reducing the likelihood of gabbling. It also provides a valuable boost of oxygen to the brain helping you to think clearly and rationally.
- Think of a lemon
This has been proven to boost saliva flow if your mouth and throat becomes dry.
- Communicate with your face and eyes
Allow your whole face to become involved to ensure you reflect your emotional connection with the topic.
Lastly, consider why you are there. Allow yourself to be a bit nervous, accept that adrenalin rush and channel it to make your presentation exciting and passionate. Clients are frequently surprised to discover that their symptoms are not as glaringly obvious as they originally believed.