Stage Fright Research

Nervious Wordle

This word cloud (wordle) has been created from results for a study carried out by Ginny Clarke Avery for her MA on "The Cause, Consequence and Management of 'Stage Fright'. Exploring the role of a voice coach in addressing the vocal effects of stage fright on amateur public speakers.

The results indicated that the most common symptom of stage fright was “loss of breath control”, with almost three quarters of respondents saying that they had suffered from this symptom. This was followed by “shortness of breath” and having a “dry mouth” both of these symptoms were mentioned by around two-thirds of respondents. In the wordle the size of text represents the frequency with the common symptoms shown in large text.

Interestingly, the majority of stage fright symptoms were ranked as being only “slight” to “moderate” in severity. The symptoms that were regarded by the sample group as being most severe related to muscular tension namely; “shoulder tension”, with a quarter of respondents who suffered from it, regarding it as being “more than moderate” to “severe” and “poor posture” with 16% citing it as “more than moderate” to “severe”. "Shoulder tension" is shown in the wordle in bright red.

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